Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Summer Hands-On on JSP

What's with JSP all about?

JSP(JAVA SERVER PAGE) is a way of creating a Dynamic web content that runs by Java codes.
We use to have an Eclipse program to create JSP, it provide an easy way for the beginner in making page. The important things with JSP is learning how to import objects from a database access, within this it is applicable also for business.

Learning JSP, need basic skills in Java. I am sure that JAva codes are very useful on it. Passing this course, needs listening skills to your teacher and also a collaboration between your minds and hands. With effort, it delivers a good learning in JSP, that surely applicable for the next sem.

that all folks!


jmluvsagain said...

hui.. webmaster cadano..=) i link ko.. hehe.. lamat..

wynano said...

ingrid nice man diay imong blog..i follow ko be??hehhe tnx..